Link: Passionately Curious: Blogs and Copyright.
I'm doing some long overdue blog maintenance this weekend while avoiding doing other chores! I've revised my blogroll to include blogs of colleagues and blogs that I'm currently reading on a regular basis. I eliminated a few feeds that I felt were no longer giving me inspiration as well as a few that simply are not updated regularly enough to warrant further recommendations. I wish bloggers would make it an informal rule to post at least once a week.. I cannot tell you how many feeds I've deleted from my aggregator that have not been updated in months, but I suspect are still works in progress for the blog owners.
Anyway, I haven't had a chance to look at the blog of my colleague, Lisa Harrison, in quite awhile. She's got a ton of useful things to look at in her Passionately Curious blog, and I was particularly struck by this post. Look how the internet has changed everything... you can reach out and touch authors and
Hi Lucy,
I have decided on two things with updating Blogs. I agree that you should try at least once a week to update a blog and I have begun (maybe one day I will make the role!) The second thing that I am trying to do is also make at least one contribution to someone else's blog at least once per week.
As a recently new blogger I was wondering the etiquette behind modifying blog entries. I keep finding new bits that would fit so nicely with a previous entry and, at this stage modify the old entry. I do this because few are reading my blog at present and it will just make it more appealing when the readers eventually come.
Anyway just letting you know that I do read your blog and that it keeps me motivated - there I did my one entry!
Posted by: Westley Field | Friday, April 06, 2007 at 12:40 AM