Twitter for the #GlobalEducator | Asia Society
#FF Special: Our list of who to follow to get started with #globaled. Who did we miss? http://t.co/BYOX07dZB9 http://t.co/aJBZ1gmEp9
Did you see? How will policies impact ? An study
Did you see? How will #BYOD policies impact #teaching? An #IB study finds out: http://t.co/r1pKpjyBPa #education
Upcoming Professional Development | Facing History and Ourselves
Ow.ly - image uploaded by @juliekeane (juliekeane)
Great day w convergence academies team @elyseEA @mindyfaber @elemenous @reneehobbs @anterobot http://t.co/jHyoeJahqC #connectedlearning
Listen to teachers reflecting on inquiry in their classroom: https://t.co/Yx0GQnQoEf #edchat #edcampib
Do Not Track: An interactive documentary series about data collection and online privacy.
Art Education 2.0 - connecting art educators around the globe
We heard from 35,000 parents during Speak Up 2014
We heard from 35,000 parents during Speak Up 2014 - see what they had to say about mobile learning: http://t.co/Fvzj7hr4VY #edtech #edchat
4B Where We Are in Place and Time
Let us (Grade 4 @dwightschool) know your thoughts on which past civilization has had the most impact! http://t.co/cOSmmnngP4 #pypchat
#schoolofthefuture https://t.co/MRsKxyCwid
interested in sponsoring #EdCampIB this weekend with giveaway prizes from your company? please get in touch! http://t.co/3GlHPsrRrr
Why 2015 is a Great Year for a Family Vacation in Europe
In case you haven't heard, this is the year to go to Europe: http://t.co/41fFdj3quJ
Tips for Educational Technology Coaches
Tips for Educational Technology Coaches via @elemenous http://t.co/EmsdnNwerW #edtech #techcoach #educoach http://t.co/JhZGYNbePc
Tips for Educational Technology Coaches | Educa...
props to @elemenous Tips for Educational Technology Coaches | @scoopit http://t.co/EFHsNvuLa8
http://t.co/Ho2S7jmw2r and its readers are very lucky to have @elemenous as its Educational Expert! http://t.co/DA52VKemwK http://t.co/f5dZVvsAAp and its readers are very lucky to have @elemenous as its Educational Expert! http://t.co/HOJPUB2Qgd
When School Leaders Empower Teachers, Better Ideas Emerge | MindShift
How to Gamify Professional Development in Your School – A.J. Juliani
ASB UN-Plugged Impact 2015 Day 2 #ASBUnplugged (with images, tweets) · asb_research · Storify
ASB UN-Plugged Impact 2015 Day 1 #ASBunplugged (with images, tweets) · asb_research · Storify
Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners: Bring the Textbook to Life & Explore Living in the US
Bring the Textbook to Life! Take the Classroom Creative Challenge http://t.co/AtDq78gm96 #edchat #tlchat #techcoach http://t.co/gQyeCs3iMp
Should students use their own devices in the class
Should students use their own devices in the classroom? New study explores use of tech in #IB schools http://t.co/uZOPhalmiI
iPaddiction: Educator's Guide To Periscope & Meerkat
Update: Educator's Guide to Periscope & Meerkat (Riff was released which allows collaboration of video) http://t.co/L4k5eIiRKG #techcoach
Dwight School ~ Employment Opportunities
Dwight School is seeking a Head of Technology and Innovation: More details here: http://t.co/UP5RPQIR8X
The Nerdy Teacher: Student Selected Learning Objectives with @PollEverywhere and @PostItProducts
The Nerdy Teacher: Student Selected Learning Objectives with @PollEve... http://t.co/X2wFaVdQxV #edtech #edchat #techcoach
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