Woot! Selfie w Lucy & Corippo! #cue17 https://t.co/0ZsTwF01JD
Exhausted but full of #cue17 learning? Now's the time to fill out our National Conference Evaluation.… https://t.co/4SVxM2q7dW
#Educación RT CUERockStar: #cue17 CUE is proud to present our 2017 Emerging Teacher of the Year- MsVenturino https://t.co/rWaxTSiKU8 …
Redlands Unified students presenting their robots at #cue17. @RUSD_Instr_Tech @RUSDEdServ #redlandsusd… https://t.co/bBXJpe90zn
Need 40+ Digital Lesson Plans based on the classic Madeline Hunter plan, but ready for #PBL & 1:1? #CUEBOLD… https://t.co/JWZewZRfNX
Kathy Steele on Twitter: "Absolutely INSPIRED after an amazing few days at #CUE17!
Absolutely INSPIRED after an amazing few days at #CUE17!
went to see the #desertX Mirage installation before leaving #palmsprings #cue17 https://t.co/CJmodJojyD https://t.co/ryA9pKNGOg
Mirage #selfie at #desertX #palmsprings w @edcampmamacita #cue17 https://t.co/ju4J0dl3Bs https://t.co/mOvPdFKNrN
#cue17 reflection session outside the four walls! It's like a breath of fresh air! @usdlearns @LietzPrincipal… https://t.co/UBcHIGU8lo
T-Rex selfie @ipadartroom #cue17 https://t.co/QklOXMAm60 https://t.co/PstEam0WOB
I think that's an AWESOME idea!!!!! #cue17 #cue17blog @jcorippo @techmaverick @danielleforst https://t.co/HVJZqsYcD7
Be part of our crowd sourced podcast! Tweet us a vid telling us what you'll implement next week. We're @dowbiggin a… https://t.co/toB9HFpfX8
.@AldoCalcagno @AnnaCavanaugh Links to my #cue17 presentations now updated at https://t.co/0TENTSHLaS LMK if you have questions.
CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Los Alamitos | CUE
Loved #cue17? Then you'll want to come to Rock Star Los Alamitos! #cuerockstar https://t.co/deUykR77B3 https://t.co/NgC2l2esvX
Official Chat List - Education Chats
Do you want to be part of a @Twitter chat? #leadupchat #edchat #cue17 #gisdlearning Join one of these: https://t.co/OURUHBVQrN
CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Chico | CUE
Continue your #cue17 learning & put it to practice @CUERockStar #ChicoCA! June 14-15 @ChicoCountryDay. https://t.co/por6WtR0Xy #cuerockstar
My #OneNewThing from #CUE17 is definitely peer reviews using #GoogleForms. Thanks, @MsVenturino, for creating and s… https://t.co/riY9DyPWJE
Thanks @techmaverick for making time for a quick errand with us! You're awesome. So much to be proud of after… https://t.co/PcHONKyR9d
6,000 Ts came to the #cue17 mothership in the desert and now leave inspired,empowered, & connected. Ss reap the r… https://t.co/yq3zFk5HB1
Edu-Awesome Adventure: It's time to rethink pacing guides
Edu-Awesome Adventure: It's time to rethink pacing guides: https://t.co/TtIkBZ4e5F #cue17 #eduawesome #adventure #wheresmsrnow
We built the new website to explain to newcomers
We built the new @BadgeList website to explain #openbadges to newcomers https://t.co/jif6pn28tK #CUE17 https://t.co/eVjnj9yTMq
George Couros made such a positive impact on me. I ❤️CUE- his message was profound. @gcouros @CotsenAoT @lizard4you… https://t.co/fiNl7e4vCL
So impressed with our @MiraLomaMiddle and @MMSMustangs students this morning at #CUE17 ‼️ Did a great job educating… https://t.co/rGa7cq2OdL
Thanks EVERYONE especially CVUSD staff who visited Woodcrest kids at #cue17 SPS! @cvusditech@sportillo1357@CVUSDNew… https://t.co/C8C2PxHU93
Ann Kozma on Twitter: "#cue17 was epic. blog post coming soon. https://t.co/o71K559AeG"
@annkozma723 this makes me so so happy! #cue17 https://t.co/Hp03k23opO
Can I Use That? Hyperdoc - Google Docs
If you missed @jane_librarian & my #cue17 session here's link to #hyperdocs lesson https://t.co/neFioTVy5N
Employing the ‘Serial’ Podcast as a Primary Text | Professional Learning | KQED Learning | KQED
Employ the @serial Podcast as Primary Text w @John_MWalter #edtech https://t.co/QWbW5SYQ65 #CUE17 https://t.co/e8CPikhFni
It's been amazing to follow along with #cue17 from the east coast! @art_cathyhunt is absolutely amazing! ✨#ade2017 https://t.co/pX3Flqs2DG
Loving #GoogleQuickDraw for visual vocabulary. Wow!!!!!! #cue17 https://t.co/y1Z72xQohk
"Screentime is not a thing, it's what you do with the device that matters." @art_cathyhunt "Don't hate the selfie.… https://t.co/4hbrxVDP8r
@JenWilliamsEdu @elemenous @langwitches @burgessdave Can you please RT to help #AELincoln Ts w/this unique… https://t.co/ARDDqnGjF7
LOVING @ipadartroom's closing Keynote at #cue17 https://t.co/sgVfq34ndA https://t.co/8ldtccqoj1
Listening to @art_cathyhunt inspiring keynote... BUT FIRST... let me take a selfie
Link to my session notes from Making It Happen! Maker lessons https://t.co/bhyssu8Wne #makered #cue17 #PAUSD @PaloAltoEduAsc @PaloAlto_USD
I see @MrZiebarth He makes my lessons better ALL THE TIME, but I just have to walk across the campus #cue17… https://t.co/y1UTcqe9JZ
Goobric really speeds up grading essays in Google Docs. Worth learning. https://t.co/DJRqORx5Qa #cue17 #writing https://t.co/2bPauDx8Ba
Resources for Participants: CUE 2017 Keynote | iPad Art Room
Closing keynote is crushing it with some amazing student work. Check out https://t.co/wLO57sAD4y and your welcome!… https://t.co/9Svhpgatkz
Lucy. Thank you for providing this showcase of the Conferences #cue17 @Teacher2teacher https://t.co/peVSuQMb95
Cue National Conference showcases education innovation - KESQ
The 2017 CUE National Conference showcases education innovation - KESQ https://t.co/0XcFChVjYd #cue17 #notatcue
Hi Ladies. Two of my favorite, glad to be in your PLN tribe. @PGeorgeMD @elemenous https://t.co/Q9I3J8lHR2
Verso allows Ss 2 share their thinking w/ anonymity & Ts to initiate deeper questioning & thinking… https://t.co/d3XkZiWej1
In the inspecting change session with some of CA's best Coach Leaders #cue17 #notatcue @CUERockStar @EBCUE… https://t.co/G3bSXzMP3W
Make sure you check this out! https://t.co/M
Make sure you check this out! https://t.co/Oq5t4RRxZ8 #cue17 #edumatch #teachnvchat #cuenv #nvedchat https://t.co/M8Ofm3rLA6
Perhaps "the floating girl" explains my dreams of flying. I hope they're actually memories. #staysparky… https://t.co/80tTOje304
Thank you, @elemenous for providing these #CUE17 resources! What an awesome conference! So grateful for all of the… https://t.co/HM1tosCMa2
Feeling grateful for being at #cue17 with @MadMullWood and our fearless PHS tech leader @psquiros. Thank you… https://t.co/nastYdcpcW
Amazing Ss showcase on renewable energy on a budget and solar ovens https://t.co/8BKqbpL8Rw love listening to Ss ex… https://t.co/dpg8pNzDO4
Love seeing teacher's creativity when they have a chance to play! Working to make a 60 second video at #cue17 using… https://t.co/G9fC56OyNH
I forgot how addicting Geo Guessr is. Do not play if you are supposed to be paying attention to something.… https://t.co/cOSX4gRsBl
Share URLs by sound with Google Tone - CNET
Sharing links with sound #GoogleTone lesliefisher #cue17 https://t.co/JjYLw71VLA
Add content block. Add Qs. Tag standards. Add show your work + starting canvas!! #Formative @lesliefisher #cue17… https://t.co/HPqrdpX5Na
Great tool 4 Close Reading. Prism Ss can highlight text w/ different colors & let Ts c how Ss interpret text… https://t.co/IMplfsC767
Academy student and staff at the Student Showcase at the CUE Conference 2017 Palm Springs.@paulinesgarcia @puhsd… https://t.co/lwT8NkCEYi
Map: The Most Common* Job In Every State : Planet Money : NPR
@AppEducationFox I showed that map to my grad students a few weeks ago. The historical data is helpful too. https://t.co/gLTpiD7jYq #cue17
Use sketchnotes as a different approach to learning. LOVE this. Being able to draw visuals helps me learn!! #cue17… https://t.co/qYE3xnF17Z
Timelapse – Google Earth Engine
Search any spot on earth and see decades of satellite images in time lapse. https://t.co/0YxCCOKQDs #cue17 https://t.co/Jk9VW1WM9U Google Earth Engine Timelapse. Search for any place and watch it change over time. https://t.co/XAGsVkiffw #cue17 https://t.co/spstlp4nZ9
Use @quizlet live & build teams for quizzes. Everyone has to get the ?'s right on the team. New group dynamics?… https://t.co/F7jhZ1uNTM
When you don't make it to the group picture...tech will always help. #CalexicoUSD #cue17 @lpadillajr @MISSV_27… https://t.co/ZgF49t7iD0
.@techcoachjuarez presenting his "Cardinal Innovation Center" for @cueinc 's #LeroyFinkel $2000 prize. #cue17… https://t.co/4HaVEQpLbV
Love sketch noting for myself so I think it might also be pretty great for our @dusdSTEAM @PLTWorg Launch Logs!
From Heartache to Hope | Tom Murray
Heartfelt post from #FutureReady's @thomascmurray: From Heartache to Hope https://t.co/eBpX8ecvSP #CUE17 https://t.co/dcrzMoNzOK
Sketchnotes, Doodles & Visual Thinking - Google Slides
Sketchnotes, Doodles & Visual Thinking - Google Slides with @annkozma723 #cue17 https://t.co/5n1epNbwij
I'm so proud of @PinacateMS students and their fearless leader @techteacher88 from @puhsd. They are part of the… https://t.co/jrmTvsKgut
2 new features : 2-step join & Jumble. Play vi
2 new features #Kahoot: 2-step join & Jumble. Play video during sign in! https://t.co/uyHon0GSiT @lesliefisher #cue17
Sketchnotes, Doodles & Visual Thinking - Google Slides
Saturday morning enthusiasm! Sketchnotes prez. Check it out! https://t.co/LQrS1HEpXC #cue17 @jetfighter @cueinc @annkozma723
#cue17 This morning at 9am make time to see innovative educators pitch their Big Ideas to a star-studden panel.… https://t.co/Sxdw3kppzw
Flippity.net: Easily Turn Google Spreadsheets into Flashcards and Other Cool Stuff
#Flippity Copy Google sheet to play hangman or Use Add-on in Sheets to build crossword and more @lesliefisher #cue17 https://t.co/Jt0l2sqRny
Flippity.net: Easily Turn Google Spreadsheets into Flashcards and Other Cool Stuff
Turn Google #Sheets into fun w/ https://t.co/Y39goU3Gzg Thanks sharing - @lesliefisher #cue17 https://t.co/v213UFVxxT
#cue17 I was so honoured to be giving the CUE keynote and here is a follow up interview with advice for teachers, a… https://t.co/JPUC8K35g1
In this interview I give my top advice for teachers, administrators & parents. We all need to approach maths differ… https://t.co/MULAKkyz4V
CUE Live! - Brad Montague at the CUE 2017 National Conference - YouTube
Nobody in the world signs a book like @thebradmontague! So excited to see him at 8am book signing! Lobby PSCC #cue17 https://t.co/pC16LKNeDb
Makerspaces Nuts and Bolts - Google Slides
#cue17 https://t.co/EKP4QKE7rM makerspaces help foster growth mindsets!
Lessons from Chicago: How to Hook Up Every Teen wi
Lessons from Chicago: How to Hook Up Every Teen with a Tech Job https://t.co/8LoSccyl2R #edtech via @EdSurge #cue17
#simicue17 #cue17 https://t.co/QWWJTbRSke
#cue17 folks if you're not following @mwniehoff you need to check yourself b4 you wreck yourself #tlafp… https://t.co/irAqT2WNlc
#CUE17 - The GAME is ON! Keep playing & earning your stickers and #openbadges until noon tomorrow!… https://t.co/9Jwe6WvYAa
Hey, #eduawesome attendees! Are you on Snapchat? Follow cueinc tomorrow as I snap the final day of #cue17!… https://t.co/0U9C6MIKk0
Flexible furniture in cemetery-style arrangements? See brain-friendly learning spaces at #CUEBOLD… https://t.co/PHI1KdHpRt
Today we celebrate Dr. Kevin Silberberg @panamasupt at #cue17 for Technology Leader of the Year! #kerncue… https://t.co/lyWk3XVzHn
10 Lessons the Arts Teach • National Art Education Association
Is your district going 1:1? Come learn about lesson design for the 1:1 learning environment at #CUEBOLD… https://t.co/KK1ItN0388
Getting Hip W HyperMaps #notatcue https://t.co/wPaqeSe8Gh https://t.co/gIMJ1qodaf
Sabba Quidwai on Twitter: "Loved this @jcorippo on
Loved this @jcorippo on
#pvcue17 @PVSDCamarillo Ignited my STEAM with a look at the new NGSS for K-6 at #cue17. Anxious to use them to chal… https://t.co/57aTK1ltCa
How will you bring ideas you learned at #CUE17 into your classroom?@MrCooperClass @underwood_rm1 @KimOrtega80511… https://t.co/jDz54nnUHT
Discover How Sharing on #SocialMedia Can Help You Become a Better Educator #CUE17 @WonderTechEdu… https://t.co/NYZjbC7tCB
Hey everyone!! This is @JinaCrimi ! I've know her close to 30 years & here we are full circle with the same passion… https://t.co/0LfLj0rons
#CUE17 karaoke is in full effect! https://t.co/vbSxDmWC94
Oops forgot to tag @ChromeWarriorPD #CUE17 https://t.co/ZfdM42cbut
@Packwoman208 and @EduTrace Visual literacy was awesome. Thank you! May the force be with you. #cue17 #edchat… https://t.co/Vmdz4IUVCQ
Great job @t_ramont, @alinamm5, & @kyleteach123! Loved your #cue17 presentation about robotics and coding! #fsdtech… https://t.co/yFFFqPPmVb
Don't miss our affiliate meeting @ 5:00 in Andreas at Renaissance & Bay Area Affiliate Happy hour after! #cue17… https://t.co/worFYYsbxn
G8 tip from @askMsQ -Students use the #visiblethinkingroutine #praisequestionpolish when commenting on each other's… https://t.co/fZS0o5Zgg2
@techcoachjuarez One of my Twitter techniques has always been to find and follow people who are good curators.… https://t.co/0EmQlFn71x
Thank you @maoliver17 for developing this tool! #createaccessibility #cue17 #eLearning #cueelearning #sped #spedchat https://t.co/hJVLz7Rt0u
@CoffeeNancy @NowaTechie What a fun, relaxing way to end the day: https://t.co/qi6BdgeKTv #cue17 TY to all who attended today's #cue17 session w me & @NowaTechie on Google Drawing. See/upload yr memes here: https://t.co/7yWFFw6Nns
@jmthornton76 get the add-on for Forms called CheckItOut. https://t.co/reyoRvQzWn #Cue17
Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files
YouTube blocked? New Caption Creator for G Drive! https://t.co/zADMQ8wYjc #edtech #edtechchat #edtechteam #cue17… https://t.co/L6QDpHBwEQ
Immersive Imaginative Education (IIE) - Google+
So @kkibteach has a google group https://t.co/YPohKff0Xc where teachers can join and submit game ideas that designers will help with #cue17
Get started with Teacher Desmos - YouTube
Get started with teacher desmos in your math classes. Use polygraphs and marbleslides! #cue17 #rusdshares https://t.co/OGupBrfEy9 via
Let’s look at some commonly held misconceptions of #copyright law. via @WonderTechEdu #CUE17 https://t.co/1u7NKQuASB https://t.co/rzSNoOSyb0
Proud member of the CUE Legislative Advocacy Committee, fighting for our students in schools and in halls of gover… https://t.co/UJ3lfKhzna
It's going to happen at CUE Karaoke Tonight! We have some competition - who will get their points in first? Congrat… https://t.co/SsP1bmNZ9o
cueinc tweeted: lishabrunache karenjan
@lishabrunache @karenjan #cuelive #cue17 https://t.co/0OLT6ljQNq cueinc tweeted: lishabrunache karenjan #cuelive #cue17 https://t.co/WOTPQLTnk8
Best. Uber. Driver. Ever. The great @mrwisley pulls up to get this wild #cue17 group to the Hard Rock! #CUEber is b… https://t.co/AJya3NxcxH
At the TOSAplayground w/ the amazing @LindseyBlass1 oh yeah... these 2 dudes as well @TDL1919 #nopicofsome… https://t.co/c402XuzLMC
@fitzwalsh @valverdesupt #cuelive #cue17 https://t.co/iB315PTbSb
#madewithpaper / https://t.co/oxpWxYKLIO Are you solving problems or finding them? #cue17 https://t.co/14BB9NEQDS #cue17 @wondertechedu #InstructionalCoaching #madewithpaper / https://t.co/87KPLbzs8c https://t.co/vmaOjcgxBF
@jkoenig7 Even tho ur #notatcue ✅ out @gcouros keynote when it posts @cueinc. Amazing! U can also play… https://t.co/3yu4buTniq
"Becoming a Social Media Jedi" https://t.co/0s8
"Becoming a Social Media Jedi" https://t.co/64qfMtRL5r @cueinc #CUE17 https://t.co/0s8Lf85alO via @YouTube #hashtag
If you're a ToSA you should KNoWsa there's a playg
#cue17 If you're a ToSA you should KNoWsa there's a playground just for YoUsa today. https://t.co/OysipJUaIs https://t.co/WTTuRKsDMw
Many thanks to @ewalters for her work as CPC Chair! Check out her special gift created by the ever talented… https://t.co/JdikupQBuA
Students sharing their work w/world want it to be good. Sharing with teacher they want it to be good enough… https://t.co/smPPhzzgaU
Sam Gliksman: Educational Technology Blog - Educational Mosaic
Encouraging Creative Expression with Chromebooks https://t.co/PooHwqj9Xr #edtech #cue17
ToSA Connection Master Doc - Google Docs
Always great to share! https://t.co/tYXKhNFf6u Love the open, honest discussions at #cue17! https://t.co/R4XyKo2Bz9
cueinc tweeted: fitzwalsh danielleforst catetolnai
cueinc tweeted: fitzwalsh danielleforst catetolnai #cuelive #cue17 https://t.co/XtCv3a84Jl
So much fun! @HardoyDenise @ae_bowen @amsw0628 @jcorippo @ValVerdeSupt @DCulberhouse #cue17 #eduawesome https://t.co/g4Be2OvThT
What if? @CardiffSchools we share the love of learning #cardiffschoolsbythesea #cue17 @trishdentr @trvltchr… https://t.co/EqZiK7XTTY
Yesterday, after a full 2 days of MIE training-Yes, I'm a Florida Girl and I was fascinated by these scenes in Cali… https://t.co/SPmbHgt0XY
Let us know how you share your district's on Padlet! (link below) #cue17 https://t.co/L1XcAapwa0
I got my Apple Teacher badge with help from @lainierowell and @JasonSeliskar at #cue17 #cuexpo2017 #edtech… https://t.co/zTsW0TsOLV
Jumping sumo with camera. Hit up @jcorippo for amazing #ELA lesson and school messaging lesson. OMG! @ae_bowen… https://t.co/Ep09DRLlu7
Mar 17, 2017 11:04 AM - YouTube
I'm excited to get more #SUHSD teachers connected on Twitter. Thanks for inspiring me #cue17 https://t.co/BSAT25uBPj
Inside The Nest (3-17-17) - YouTube
Daily school announcements created @Veescope live #greenscreen #ipad app @InsidetheNestR #macul17 #cue17 #edtech https://t.co/cuK0kE5l0U
Tech Toolkit - EduEkahn - Google Docs
Need some inspiration and info on what tech to use in your classroom? Check out my tech tool kit! https://t.co/UDxxvqvDkA #cue17
#cue17 Reminder- No drones or flying devices allowed inside or outside. Conference rules and Palm Springs law. Do n… https://t.co/LggAxbH8i9
. I created my first tutorial Revolutionizing pr
.@gochemonline I created my first #iorad tutorial https://t.co/Z3tN4X3c8p Revolutionizing providing pd to other teachers #cue17
Don't miss #CUEkaraoke TONIGHT #CUE17 w/ @CateTolnai @LindseyBlass1 @creativeedtech @EdTechMinded @TechTomBUSD… https://t.co/jVNAzJU1yW
Dr. Darryl Adams #cue17 https://t.co/0v7D1ZtEkh
Let's stay connected! Connect here: https://t.co/DOB1wtR5Ot & on FB here: https://t.co/JYLgXIdG9S #CUE17
Our Partners - Future Ready Schools
#FutureReady Schools has over 50 Coalition Partners. Check them out here: https://t.co/1jgAABqfM6 #CUE17
Resources - CUE 2017 - Student Tech Teams - Google Docs
Great resources from @crystalkirch & @jaclyn_spangler for starting student-led tech teams. #cue17 https://t.co/3HYV0uLRjy @mrcoachflores
Saves the tutorial in your dashboard. Iorad Extension (You can edit it, add a new step, add audio) @gochemonline… https://t.co/MyGiZv0hjg
Learning tricks & tips of digital sketch noting for beginners with @TeacherAndGeek @teach3tech. "It's about drawing… https://t.co/b64ljp6ZO6
#cue17 shared notes - Google Docs
#cue17 notes! Check these out, add some of your own. Add resources! https://t.co/p3nJ6BaYMs Add your session notes to this google doc! #cue17 Add resources! https://t.co/p3nJ6BaYMs
Joe2 0 by mrjennings33 - 3D model - Sketchfab
Learning VR techniques in @sketchfab and @tinkercad for Google Cardboard #cue17 Joe 2.0 by https://t.co/D26MvKie8N @jswilliams @puhsd.org
Innovator's Mindset with George Couros | Free Podcasts | PodOmatic" - Linkis.com
"Innovator's Mindset with George Couros" The Bedley Bros.podcast. #cue17 @jonsamuelson https://t.co/O80T7t1zQU https://t.co/rYSfCfUZBm
We are learning a lot at #cue17 and kicked off the morning with an inspiring and motivational keynote by @gcouros… https://t.co/VEYLMKxJEX
The worst question in education - "What is going to be on the test?" Inspire #curiosity not compliance @gcouros… https://t.co/alQAchgKZh
TOSA Tiki Playground!! Come out and play! Riviera at 9:30 and 1:00pm today! @cogswell_ben @EdTechAri… https://t.co/Jord9AVscK
How do YOU share your district's story?
How do you share your story on social media #cue17 Let us know! https://t.co/xiONfkMBGP @htullmann #tosachat… https://t.co/dX1jdX3av9
We have stickers!! https://t.co/7wf1oIO9qE #CUE17 - The GAME. Expand your #PLN, enjoy CUE and earn #openbadges… https://t.co/iMONVhrlqD
Met with @rogerwagner. Received one of the first @hyperduino-R from him at #cue17 expand to full #robotics #edtech… https://t.co/LORZ6LFRKI
Don't miss @ThomascMurray's Future Ready sessions at #cue17- today at 10 am and 12:30pm, and tomorrow at 10:30am… https://t.co/X1WGtQ01PL
My favorite part of @gcouros book is when he describes sitting in classes to work … #immooc #cue17 #jusdshares https://t.co/V0LAK7bqrM
@gcouros encouraging #CUE17 to spend less time on compliance & what kids can't do and more time helping them imagin… https://t.co/RQ5qD4s3PO
Trending Twitter Users (Mentions), United States tweeplers.com
#cue17 #immooc #innovatorsmindset @gcouros is trending in top 5 in the United States https://t.co/7QTsT72mfY
Congratulations Scott Smith #cue17 Platinum Award! Here today because of all I learned from your vision of kids & t… https://t.co/GYsCFyLXcN
Come Get Stickers! HUB@CUE Fri 9:30-11:30/1-4pm Sat 9:30-11:30 Great FUN! Plenty of time to get in #CUE17 The GAME… https://t.co/C4jU5JZ6WO
Plaque in hand for Site Leader of the Year @mrkhoney making @SequoiaMSGiants and @MtDiabloUSD proud #teammdusd… https://t.co/UZlODlXyRz
CUE Awards & Recognitions | CUE
Know of an outstanding site leader or tech teacher? Nominate them for 2018 awards! https://t.co/ReCDheuWTl #cue17… https://t.co/7X5Zi1CfXD
Don't miss @ThomascMurray's Future Ready sessions at #cue17- today at 10 am and 12:30pm, and tomorrow at 10:30am… https://t.co/ju7VQH8CPu
Shout out to the #CUE17 hikers that I bumped into on the trail this morning. Educators get it done before dawn.… https://t.co/vufuX9VrmJ
Coachella Valley Educators! Join us this afternoon for the #CahuillaCUE affiliate meeting at 5pm #cue17 https://t.co/T3SRclsq2z
So exciting seeing the #CUEBOLD videos air @ #CUE17 ! It's an honor to be a part of such an innovative organization… https://t.co/wDDcTuNM8a
.@TosaChat peeps follow #ntt friend @sobocapo @seaveratech @thedrmorgan @CapoPD @patterson_capo #capoteach #cue17 https://t.co/hxdlXaa1BC
You have time for a short quiz to help out a #cue17 presenter. Three questions. Easy. @gcouros did it.… https://t.co/ybuu7HS3S1
Wow! So far 292 folks at #cue17 said they'll be joining us to explore @Snapchat
Michelle and Nicole Take On EdTech: Game On!
Michelle and Nicole Take On CUE 2017: Game On! https://t.co/RVmpGhgDff #cue17
I'm beyond lucky to know incredible educators like @elemenous @art_cathyhunt & @askMsQ. Glad to have this moment wi… https://t.co/4M2hH92mmL
. hits the stage at 8am tomorrow to innovate our m
.@GCouros hits the stage at 8am tomorrow to innovate our mindsets. #cue17 https://t.co/Rm69fQzpqA https://t.co/8WmzPVz66z
another incredible day at #cue17! Loved connecting w my PLN & had a #fangirl moment when I got to meet the amazing… https://t.co/987BFV87dK
#cue17 Reminder- No drones or flying devices allowed inside or outside. Conference rules and Palm Springs law. Do n… https://t.co/jFhHk1KwLO
@gcouros @fitzwalsh #cue17 #cuelive https://t.co/5tPkgU8qj9
@octechnet @edcamposjr #cuelive #cue17 https://t.co/WjYj2UdGj4
Forgot to follow my own advice! Green Screen peeps, if you follow me on Twitter, I'll follow you back, esp if your… https://t.co/sHI89DyJnn
. LIVE on PBL + GAFE =Perfect Pair - Kaitlin Morg
.@ttechtrials LIVE on #Periscope PBL + GAFE =Perfect Pair - Kaitlin Morgan #CUE17 https://t.co/WZMAsdPECJ
CUE Daily for #CUE17 - Day 3 @gcouros and more! https://t.co/tYPWSrBT7j #notatcue
EPIC LEARNING… Game On! - Google Slides
Can't wait to gamify my classroom - TY @annkozma723 @BPletka @SueChu22 for the inspiration! https://t.co/jT3A0fvtBT #CUE17 #cuerockstar
What a fun day...is it naptime yet? https:/
What a fun day...is it naptime yet? @PDLNteam #CUE17 #education #edtech #innovation https://t.co/HJlhSabiW3 https://t.co/Zr8eDuWdXv
The Bad Idea Factory 2013 - YouTube
Another great video idea for passioncon's this is so great. #cue17 @donmighwale
@thebradmontague @fitzwalsh #cue17 #cuelive https://t.co/rU9eFtDVWj
so, I'm looking for 5-6 people to play an RPG this Evening. Anybody want to play teenage monsters in High School a… https://t.co/dJUcM3QhNi
Google Maps - Teach Interactive
Are you a map junkie? This guy has your cure: @willkimbley https://t.co/15wiy9Xxn5 #cue17
Connections first!!! We must KNOW our people before we can SUPPORT our people. #empathy #SVTChat #cue17 #simicue17 https://t.co/ZrbG4e91wE
Head to the Exhibit Hall to chat mobile PD with b
Head to the Exhibit Hall to chat mobile PD with @voxer book clubs at 3:30! https://t.co/b2bhjG7lN4 #ConnectedTL… https://t.co/oZXLz8BsJ2
@FHS_MC here are some tips from this year's #cue17 #FCSincubator https://t.co/DijweDicv3
The time to prepare students for the future is now! Why Kids Should Solve Real World Problems in School:… https://t.co/gPoDVgFMjc
SO many kudos to the supts, principals, and other administrators here at #cue17! Way to be #futureready and put lea… https://t.co/mcGoc4UFOE
Curated research resources & lessons. Fancy! @suzannesannwald @ReadingPusher #cue17 @lvusdlibraries https://t.co/e4IpLa4lKw
Our backchannel for Stop Killing Trees, is https://t.co/xjdYUZaAZB #cue17 2pm Primrose B, because literacy does not… https://t.co/OuOFTdXEjo
AR for Education: Introducing Amber McCormick
#cue17 #QuiverAmbassador @EdTechAmber Shares a fun #AugmentedReality Lesson - https://t.co/TU9M5dFdv7 @Quivervision… https://t.co/GUkDPzQxV7
Maker Promise - Digital Promise
Digital Promise Maker Pledge https://t.co/YD0MlzUBiv #cue17
Hidden in Plain Site - Chrome Extensions
Thanks to everyone who joined our session on Chrome Extensions at #cue17 . Great time presenting with @bcahrens https://t.co/lyQgw6Ugmn
Do you model good #DigitalCitizenship daily? Learn easy tips to becoming a model digital educator! Come to my sessi… https://t.co/FEcGIzSshR
There's a raffle about to happen at HUB in the Exh
There's a raffle about to happen at HUB@CUE in the Exhibit Hall. Go win something nice. #cue17
https://t.co/uFRogr1e7N -
"It’s a great tool to help our district make funding decisions based on student, teacher & community needs.”… https://t.co/VgsEHsKPKI
All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OE
#cue17 All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OER #GoOpen Playground.
https://t.co/caMnDGy35S https://t.co/arEGS2ydto -
Come to the #cvtechtalk meetup at 7 w/me & @techcoachjuarez and get these stickers & more! #cue17 #siteleadsconnect… https://t.co/Qg0HIwBnFc
cueinc tweeted: joboaler fitzwalsh
cueinc tweeted: joboaler fitzwalsh #cuelive #cue17 https://t.co/TR0qv9AinN
@RichEdTech, @CateTolnai, & @teacherbrandi can't wait for 12:30 pm #presentation on #DigitalBadges at #cue17! See… https://t.co/v0R8MrvN9V
"Poetry is writing that is honest, important, mindful, musical, and artful." @TaylorMali #cue17 #literacy… https://t.co/7WkOHzweJU
Take advantage of the FREE Workshops at https:/
Take advantage of the FREE Workshops at #cue17
https://t.co/88wBdqvuGj https://t.co/Z36kvywtPk -
CUE is proud to announce the 2017 Outstanding Teac
#cue17 CUE is proud to announce the 2017 Outstanding Teacher of the year- @ShaunaHawes
https://t.co/QOn4pxu0Bh https://t.co/xV0Li1cN6z -
All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OE
#cue17 All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OER #GoOpen Playground.
https://t.co/Hi9N2HUkoi https://t.co/F1ZUymGCh5 -
Select speakers from #cue17 will be featured on CUE Live. Click "Live Subscribe" for specific alerts.… https://t.co/A7v1xTmCmn
All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OE
#cue17 All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OER #GoOpen Playground.
https://t.co/3fFbg3xcdO https://t.co/bPMW0RqwGX -
Looking forward to this great event! #cue17 https://t.co/4b5rMTmqle
All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OE
#cue17 All day today (930am-3pm) you can check out the OER #GoOpen Playground.
https://t.co/hYuCyH7fgC https://t.co/kH84X4I4O0 -
This video is so great in so many ways. Thanks for sharing, @joboaler! #youcubed #cue17 #iusdcue17 #irvineusd https://t.co/rkGntK8WEv
Inspiring Students to Math Success and a Growth Mindset
"Math isn't about speed..it's okay to make mistakes...it helps you learn more than if you're right"..https://t.co/aOxUqrsawp #CUE17
Hey ! Hope to see you tomorrow!! https://t.co
Hey #tosachat #educoach #connectedtl #etcoaches! Hope to see you tomorrow!! https://t.co/DqiTeeJoMN @NewImpulse… https://t.co/vueZ7aq5QC
We have stickers!! https://t.co/38yAgw9cml #CUE17 - The GAME. Expand your #PLN, enjoy CUE and earn #openbadges… https://t.co/hrXmh6Rquu
Stickers will be available starting at 1pm in the HUB@CUE! CUE#17 https://t.co/xjFlNngSTl
Check us out on Snapchat! @cueinc @ Palm Springs Convention Center https://t.co/lQm3CwwPag
Looking for a place to eat at ? Check out this Fo
Looking for a place to eat at #CUE17? Check out this Food Guide on Google MyMaps by @nowatechhie! https://t.co/eB1a6CJgCI
Kickoff keynote and general session begins with the Palm Springs HS "Spirit of Sands" jazz band!… https://t.co/4JfcMwhiwZ
PLN time at #cue17 President's Reception! @kristinamattis @EdTechAri @TheTechProfe https://t.co/sW8iyWQwT0 https://t.co/jbTawZEkgO
#CUE17 #notatcue #notatcue17 https://t.co/lyhTuHhqWM
Having fun approving the game from afar! Still feel connected even if #notatcue I AM still jealous.… https://t.co/Sv37yCggwQ
Hey & , I'm taking over the Snapchat accoun
Hey #cue17 & #notatcue , I'm taking over the @cueinc Snapchat account today! Follow cueinc on Snapchat! #snapchatedu https://t.co/mrUlWhyULN
Nearly 450 players in #CUE17 - The GAME! Congrats Top 5! Get in the game and earn #openbadges and stickers!… https://t.co/eOdIE5weiK
#cue17 Miss @TaylorMali's Welcome Keynote?
Love it and Need More Mali?
Taylor has a sessions tomorrow- 10am.… https://t.co/uZpzoS75DV -
CUELA Affiliate Meeting - CUELA (Los Angeles, CA)| Meetup
See you at our affiliate meeting Friday at 5pm! https://t.co/AxJSfyOqD4 #cue17 #caedchat #laedtech https://t.co/zPbb0pwqFA
#cue17 Snapchat Takeover: 3/15/17 - YouTube
Missed the story? Here's my @cueinc #cue17 @Snapchat Takeover: 3/15/17 @billselak @elemenous @jcorippo @askMsQ https://t.co/jmxMmyLXVD
Love this Storymap from (HT ) https://t.co/MyO
Love this @TheGlobalGoals Storymap from @Esri https://t.co/HiYcc0bbJl #globaled (HT #teachSDGs) https://t.co/MyOyZIUjmO
We had 2 much time on our hands this morning before 1st session at 10:30am. #raiseachild #nevertooearlytostart… https://t.co/StKvx4dGFn
Just got to #cue17 and have already started making connections! From a 2 Year newbie to a 20 Year CUE Rockstar… https://t.co/OBjY9pP4Sr
The feeling and emotions of the teachers at #cue17 became pungent and moist at the distaste of @BetsyDeVos from the… https://t.co/ViGRNQb22X
Taylor Mali on "What Teachers Make" - YouTube
@TaylorMali...everytime I hear this...I get energized! So awesome to see it live at #cue17 today!
https://t.co/HdKBHQ2iO3 -
Speaking Up: The Power of Protest Poetry | Forum | Forum | KQED
How can the power of #poetry help to inspire movements? #JohnLennon #CUE17 https://t.co/L8DcPBjwg7 https://t.co/4jWzDbEdhE
I've already started my #cue17 @cogswell_ben #selfiechallenge! GAME ON! Connect w me on @Snapchat for more… https://t.co/gBb4rnIKyN
.@TaylorMali Did you know that autocorrect changes the #asktaylorm to adaption, aspiration, or admiration. What's y… https://t.co/hOqC3M2V0y
What do you think, CUE 2017? - Project Tomorrow Blog
As we launch #cue17 we wanted to quiz you on what you think the 2017 Speak Up data will show! https://t.co/8J5RukiLqC Answers Fri morning!
#cue17 attendees: What do you think? https://t.co/lUplFcBSUu (Find out the answers from our new data ahead of… https://t.co/QKxyOpUTql
#cue17 attendees: What do you think? https://t.co/wMDVBZ3Jco (Find out the answers from our new data ahead of… https://t.co/fcoSoKK2q6
What percentage of 6-8 grade students say, “Doing well in school is important to me”? https://t.co/lUplFcBSUu #cue17
Hey #CUE17 and @gcouros - we’ve got a quiz for you to take before tomorrow’s https://t.co/8J5RukiLqC #notatcue https://t.co/TbrYdCaspE -
Do you live in Monterey, Santa Cruz, or San Benito County? Then join us at our affiliate event Friday at 5… https://t.co/pwmQQSsMzF
Follow cueinc on Snapchat! CUE will be taking ov
Follow cueinc on Snapchat! CUE will be taking over ;) #cue17 https://t.co/LN7fsXWeAy
Science Talent Search: Teen scientists compete for "junior Nobel Prize" - CBS News
These teen scientists are solving mysteries and competing for the "junior Nobel Prize"
https://t.co/QZwrflbzE9 https://t.co/vnXQaRCaah -
. 1) Attend one of our First Time at CUE sessions:
.@iu13ims 1) Attend one of our First Time at CUE sessions: we have 3: https://t.co/9z1rByhY5D 2) Connect w/ fellow attendees 3) Learn #cue17
I've got my @cueinc @Snapchat takeover started! Reply & share what you're #cue17 event you're excited about. I'll a… https://t.co/VMdo8uJj07
Insanely excited to see the Snapchat takeover at
Insanely excited to see the @cueinc Snapchat takeover at #cue17! @annkozma723 starts th takeover today! #snapchatedu https://t.co/mrUlWhhjUf
CUE 2017 By The Numbers - TEMPLATE - Google Drawings
Challenge for those going to #cue17
Try making your own infographic from this template of… https://t.co/eCmTFY8X7N -
Welcome to CUE Daily for #CUE17 - Day 1
Welcome to #CUE17 - CUE Daily for Wednesday, Day 1 https://t.co/DqERTbuCfl #notatcue
Playing - The Game? Then you've got to know the ru
Playing #CUE17- The Game? Then you've got to know the rules.
https://t.co/gXscqNCOnO https://t.co/jG2QL8qzhK -
Save your energy for learning at #cue17. Don't walk to our six venues, that's what shuttles are for!… https://t.co/PofmDI559l
Read a new poem written by me every day in April! | Taylor Mali
The Best TED Speakers Practice This 1 Habit Before Taking the Stage | Inc.com
The best TED speakers practice this 1 habit before taking the stage. @carminegallo https://t.co/FBpcjO4aSu
Bay Area CUE Affiliates Happy Hour! Tickets, Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite
Check out "Bay Area CUE Affiliates Happy Hour!" #cue17 #svcue https://t.co/fRU8crsIbC @Eventbrite
A6 CUE Karaoke and SD regional affiliate meeting & Kaiser Grille #bestpizza #bestsalads #cue17 #cuechat https://t.co/mHPRsD9ecN
Have I mentioned how wise and wonderful @jcorippo is folks? #cue17 https://t.co/cuSA1LIJ6s
Conference Shuttle Routes, Walking Directions, & Maps | CUE
Save your Uber $$$!
The CUE Palm Springs “Get Around” Map: https://t.co/OKl85tDh57
https://t.co/DNHxpIYarV #CUECHAT https://t.co/EOQPqjC39o -
I certainly want to learn more about the @ChromeWarriorPD crew and gamifying our district. So much fun! #CUECHAT… https://t.co/i4zHKSrRx6
Tonight for #CUECHAT we’ll be looking over the Online Conference Guide, open a tab and type:… https://t.co/x64ErZDT1W
Beyond the headlines: quantifying the economic contributions of migrants | World Economic Forum
Beyond the headlines: quantifying the economic contributions of migrants @WesternUnionCEO https://t.co/f6CQLfAe34… https://t.co/G48Nl6uxK3
I'm seriously SO excited to connect w my PLN at #cue17! See you tomorrow... @cueinc #bettertogether Thanks for thes… https://t.co/fmW2rwSYqu
Did u know the avg person in rural Sub-Saharan Africa walks 3 miles to water? Simulating getting water for your fa… https://t.co/apW64qEbv9
http://okt.to/UQx1bq - Linkis.com
Co-workers are trying to get me to play #CUE17- The Game to earn badges and have fun - https://t.co/Gw8I0Srt92 Not sure though...
Headed to #cue17? Check out this tip! Thanks @elemenous for the inspiration! Really makes me make a plan to get t… https://t.co/IIBiWroQQb
Hey #CUE17 tweeps, I'd love to see you here! Sign up @ https://t.co/In21pVddeW via @eventbrite @edmodo Drinks, food… https://t.co/prfJgLIzPo
Affiliate Meeting | San Gabriel Valley CUE
Coming to #CUE17, come & see us, SGVCUE, at our Affiliate meeting at 5pm. Register here: https://t.co/2FunY1XxJO #… https://t.co/xcq7rp5r6t
@jcorippo Our affiliate meet up of course! #cue17 #cuechat https://t.co/P3IUUoXC4u Come on by! -
Teacher-loved upcoming conference has incredible number of registrants | eSchool News - Linkis.com
Teacher-loved upcoming conference #cue17 has incredible number of registrants https://t.co/alKg2mX8Zs via @eschoolnews BOOYahhh!
@elemenous https://t.co/UNdECJXyHA
Taylor Mali - What Teachers Make/CSUF - YouTube
Don't miss @TaylorMali give the Welcome at #CUE17 this Wednesday at 6:30. Here is a sample from #CSUFtcs https://t.co/e5GCNq5wjO #edtech
If you're going to be at #cue17 you'll want to play #CUE17- The Game. Earn badges, have fun.… https://t.co/BOr11UANyJ
Children's book author Amy Krouse Rosenthal dies at 51
Amy Krouse Rosenthal, who recently wrote a viral Modern Love essay about her husband, has died from ovarian cancer. https://t.co/pc8iVs2CmW
Looking forward to #Globaledchat this THURSDAY on how to address #Fakenews in the #globaled classroom! US 8pmET (11… https://t.co/Zju3ZyPutS
Join me & @bdalton1209 for #CUECHAT next TUES 3/14 at 7pm to PREVIEW #CUE17 Brian is a #MACUL member, help him get… https://t.co/vRXQ9Q1DMf
Google, American Library Association team up to help kids explore computer science - WXYZ.com
Google, American Library Association team up to help kids explore computer science https://t.co/4tq5Be5H4q Congrats! @cosn @leaddigitalleap
How to create and maintain a strategic approach to design thinking
Google's Uptime app offers unique way of watching YouTube videos with friends - Android Authority
" -
Over 100 Players in #CUE17 - The GAME and CUE17 is still 3 days away! We've got quite a few #OpenBadges & Stickers… https://t.co/3XKbLRRJtv
Be like Batman, not Robin.Plan your experience at
Be like Batman, not Robin.
Plan your experience at the CUE 2017 National Conference.
https://t.co/BGScY1EKkj https://t.co/OD3dYrf7af -
Takeaways from Attending #SXSWedu | Margaret A. Powers
@elemenous @LindseyOwn In 2015 we did a core conversation on Scaling Innovation in schools https://t.co/XKSOPj3xLW #WhereItAllBegan
6 Ways to Design a PD Session that Tackles Big School Challenge
@elemenous @LindseyOwn Last year we did a sumitt: https://t.co/4XS7fN4GbD & https://t.co/i2OQu6EXfq #SXSWedu #dtk12chat #isedchat
You can see all of the awesome work done in the se
@elemenous @LindseyOwn You can see all of the awesome work done in the session here https://t.co/BUXI5Gcknt #sxswedu #HackPDXXL
CUE 2017 National Conference: First Time at CUE Conference - Orientati... - Linkis.com
Join us at the First Timers Session https://t.co/uIulEYi19d #CUE17 https://t.co/eXdatQKTCc
This year's #CUSDrockstar team #CUE17 shirts designed by @TheSherryBurch . Don't follow her yet on Twitter? DO IT!… https://t.co/OMOYypH0hT
#CUE17 - The GAME - We have a tie for 1st Place! The competition and collaboration is heating up! #PLN #OpenBadges… https://t.co/QeLWxLUpTo
SBCUE and SLOCUE Affilate Social Tickets, Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite
SBCUE and @SLOCUE Meetup at #cue17 RSVP here! https://t.co/C1M6olGlTW https://t.co/8saWVuZybH
SBCUE and @SLOCUE Meetup at #cue17 RSVP here! https://t.co/C1M6olGlTW https://t.co/7qVGN3oTzI
SBCUE and @SLOCUE Meetup at #cue17 RSVP here! https://t.co/v8hMrIB3W1 -
"Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the
"Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life," Preet Bharara tweeted https://t.co/pMDNcTE3xk
Infrastructure grants could be on chopping block in Trump budget | TheHill
NEW: Infrastructure grants could be on the chopping block in Trump budget https://t.co/fa6szjEzCz https://t.co/tOIa73Jbk0
Good luck Cathy... you'll be sensational! #CUE17 https://t.co/5H5FGUVAoA
Looking forward to posting from the @cueinc Snapchat account at #cue17! Keep your
A Virtual Tour of Our School's Makerspace
Take a Tour of the Evergreen's School’s #Makerspace https://t.co/DaFUPMayth via @Getting_Smart @lindseyOwn #maker
Final run throughs of my keynote before #CUE17 next week in Palm Springs
Save your energy for learning at #cue17. Don't walk to our seven venues, that's what shuttles are for!… https://t.co/K77Y8BGKyq
What's this? @CUEinc on Snapchat?? https://t.co/x8pjmg3z8r
Adjust your calendars, @lead3 attendees! The keynotes have switched! https://t.co/Zc9pUtmdp0
Next week #cue17 starts! Read this by Closing Keynote @art_cathyhunt and see what you're in for. #muchlearning… https://t.co/6Ch2uEbH1Q
If you're going to be at #cue17 you'll want to play #CUE17- The Game. Earn badges, have fun.… https://t.co/QGDZo7Ev6Z
Exciting free opportunity! #cuechat #caedchat https://t.co/THlIVpEX0f
Global Collaboration PLN Award Nomination Form 2017
Nominations 4 #ISTEGlobalPLN award close Feb 28- innovation indesign/ implementation global collaboration #globaled https://t.co/u0JqL0j6lq
Pls share this informative video for first-time CUE Conference attendees. Lots of new events & happenings @ #CUE17 https://t.co/XMSRW7IBRb
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