Fabulous, important project in ground-breaking citizen journalism. #Follow-the-money https://t.co/Qize4epnso
Dear lord https://t.co/RqwAdhjIKC
2017 Summit: reporter Andrew on framing the stor
2017 Summit: @ProPublica reporter Andrew @Revkin on framing the story of climate change https://t.co/WXa3NZx7Rh
A floating blue marble in the vastness of space, our home planet of Earth is the perfect human oasis
2017 Global Leadership Summit - Global Leadership Week
Superb line-up for Global Leadership Summit @IIEglobal Join by Livestream April 24: https://t.co/Q6oujNrCtC… https://t.co/cBtZp76OgC
How are you celebrating #EarthDay? Here’s a @GoProject collection on climate change and how it impacts us all.… https://t.co/TZ0KqutOzz
Water , a Vital Element via @edmodo , @sway & @globaledcon #GlobalEd17 https://t.co/OFmXgFvSR0
Global Leadership Week - promoting intercultural communication and collaboration with your students… https://t.co/3BsbXSQkFS
#openedsig #wihea #knowhow hope you can join in, share the resources! https://t.co/4dxjsgUo1U
Today I met a pure gem someone I feel I've known for ever. @JoAnn_Jacobs u are such an inspiration #isteglobalPLN… https://t.co/ChgBLDuGma
Join us for Global Leadership Week this April! Det
Join us for Global Leadership Week this April! Details here: https://t.co/OjipC6Zuw6 #globaled17
Global Leadership Week - promoting intercultural communication and collaboration with your students… https://t.co/NqgE9B7ry5
LIVE NOW → How do we #Invest4Climate and spark #ClimateAction? Join the discussion w/ @JimYongKim & global leaders:… https://t.co/cx6Q8gUmdw
Are you an education leader? Inspire global action
Are you an education leader? Inspire global action during Global Leadership Week April 24-28. https://t.co/29uO6SLGxT #globaled17
Want to foster critical, creative, & collaborative global thinkers? Join us for Global Leadership Week! #globaled17… https://t.co/k6Gw8u4Fuo
Excited to attend the Global Leadership Summit at @IIEGlobal on the 24th for #GlobalEd17! http:… https://t.co/DU9XI2RqIN
Host an Event - Global Leadership Week
Inspire action! It's not too late to list events on our Global Leadership Week calendar: https://t.co/jXep5wMNPA… https://t.co/Dd3FaT6xFs
It's almost #EarthDay! Here’s a new collection on nature from @GoProject to bring current events to the classroom.… https://t.co/lsh9oAkLRp
...and how will you draw the public's attention to your kids' work!? We're happy to work with @TeachSDGs to celebra… https://t.co/mU6uA8BEGH
Be sure to join us next week to talk about Global Leadership on #globaledchat! @globaledcon and @iEARNUSA will be l… https://t.co/QBbMyKPfOL
Culture for Peace Project 2016/2017 - Tackk
A7:In 3 weeks the day of intercultural diversity,in September the continuation of Your Culture project https://t.co/DSZA7UVzsg #globaledchat
YES! And please follow #TeachSDGs & take pledge at https://t.co/ykBZEvu4B3 We are at beginning stages! #globaledchat https://t.co/ozF10KNju4
William Gaudelli - Teachers Make a Difference - YouTube
A6. #globaledchat An informative video by professor Gaudelli https://t.co/KIpo8fi4OW
And #earthday #earthhour is tomorrow! #GlobalEdChat https://t.co/35y028s4S6
Column: Teaching students to appreciate a world of religions and resist intolerance | PBS NewsHour
A5 #globaledchat Regarding religion, George Coe of Fairfax published this recent blog and podcast published today! https://t.co/iqj5T284sD
@TheGlobalGoals are like a menu with 17 items on it. Students can find their purpose & pursue a project. Or vice ve… https://t.co/M44m6LnGER
#StuVoice is a critical component, but IMO it's adults responsibility 2 coach & lead Ss 2 achieve true relevance in… https://t.co/Q8pMSmoCem
What are the #SDGs? Why should we teach them?? Great insight from @caroline_weeks_ in this new blog post.… https://t.co/RNwsojgzNY
Gold Standard PBL: Essential Project Design Elements | Blog | Project Based Learning | BIE
A1. We use the Buck Institute design model https://t.co/T4W4dWwY5S #globaledchat
Please join us for #Globaledchat to talk about the link between #PBL & the UN Sustainable Development Goals! Coming… https://t.co/TUMPRgi2Bi
Creating gender-inclusive classrooms: Tools for teachers in #globaled to make learning equitable & effective… https://t.co/GG7FTwcVST
@TeachSDGs @ProfeEdTech @JoyceBronwyn @MsKumabe @MrsHaltomENL @valanglemyer70 @adegiorgioPE @rensink_connie… https://t.co/xbHyzA3vEU
Global Should Be the Education Movement of 2017 for a Smart Planet
Saw compelling evidence in Q1: "Why Global Should Be the Education Movement of 2017" https://t.co/QlgTnuI2cD… https://t.co/zAAcupMc8p
Getting Smart Podcast | HigherEd Reinvented: Minerva Goes Global
Getting Smart Podcast | HigherEd Reinvented: Minerva Goes Global https://t.co/jJ7gJciQtX @Getting_Smart @MinervaSchools #highered #globaled
#Globaled, projects and the UN Sustainable Development goals - a great combination! Come find out why on… https://t.co/ZvKmvXYcb6
NEXT WEEK! JOIN @globaledcon for Catalyst Conference Keynote Sean Maguire of @PlanGlobal #GoAndChangeIt #GlobalEd… https://t.co/6FzZ4lXthy
How One School Turns Elementary Students Into Global Citizens - Education Week Teacher
How One School Turns Elementary Students Into Global Citizens https://t.co/aeEJCpwE8c #globaled
Open for Learning - Global Leadership Week waves
Open for Learning - Global Leadership Week #glw17 #oer17 waves https://t.co/BfFazkmWdc
ICONS Project | Education | Catalog | Green Trade and the WTO
Looking for a fun, engaging activity to end the semester? Try out our newest #simulation: https://t.co/W244KGMvWe #globaled #negotiation
Join Partners4Possibility for Global Leadership Week. See below @PfP4SA https://t.co/ky5jgNvFgr
Global Education News • #globaled #globaled17
Using paper.li to curate #GlobalEducation News by @elemenous • #globaled #globaled17 https://t.co/1iY8ZQfl4B… https://t.co/6KQUnYCRsL
LinkedIn Post Header – Copy of Copy of NewGLW2017LinkedIPost
Can you help these 1st graders learn more about families around the world? https://t.co/hTJRs0tRV8 #pypchat #globaled #ISEdCoach #coetail
Join us for Global Leadership Week this April 24-2
Join us for Global Leadership Week this April 24-28! Details here: https://t.co/oFh4iBqNzK #globaled17 https://t.co/6sQKnNhAwX
She's Photographing Every Native American Tribe... - Linkis.com
She's Photographing Every USA Native American Tribe! https://t.co/BD6VUYmj3E #globaledchat HT @DJFTLL @anonytw33t https://t.co/OBTQrZLt32
2017 Stevens Initiative Virtual Exchange Forum - The Aspen Institute
Next week is Global Leadership Week! Tune in to the Stevens Initiative Virtual Exchange Forum on 4/25 at 9:00 AM EDT https://t.co/8Qxu57hyPH
Global Leadership Week - free online keynotes b...
Global Leadership Week - free online keynotes begin April 27 #GLW17 | @scoopit via @TDOttawa https://t.co/vmJq5ef21K
So @realDonaldTrump thinks he can buy your opinion. Retweet and let's take over his hastag. #BuildTheWall… https://t.co/dpIeOPVwDP
Global Collaborations - Teaching with Technology
Let me know if you'd like to be added to this database! https://t.co/cd8cFpJSH2 #edchat #blendedlearning… https://t.co/QRv8zGhTZI
FSI | SPICE - SPICE/NCTA East Asia Summer Insitute for High School Teachers
HS Ts: 1 more wk to apply! Stanford East Asia Summer Institute https://t.co/3haxjJLso8 #sschat #GlobalEd… https://t.co/lqMdK6QEBt
Join us for @AsiaSocietyEDU #GlobalEdChat on #GlobalLeadership, 4/27, 8pm EST, with @hsingmaster and @WorldSavvy.… https://t.co/CKmwHBr5ek
Global Leadership Week - free online keynotes b...
Global Leadership Week - free online keynotes begin April 27 #GLW17 https://t.co/0xUqJQLEqi #leader #leadership #conference
Hangouts & Meetups WMA - Google Sheets
3k+ #TEACHers of World https://t.co/I0N4hXaWvF Add/Update UR class https://t.co/3bvledXkcI #langchat #GlobalEdChat… https://t.co/jYvCdvGlS3
How to integrate the into classrooms? Thru projec
How to integrate the #SDGs into classrooms? Thru project-based learning, says @CraigPerrier https://t.co/wjy8pE2Nyb #globaledchat #TeachSDGs
East Asia and the Education Challenges of Today and Tomorrow | Global Learning Newsletter
How are East Asian countries advancing global competence? Read our Global Learning Newsletter - https://t.co/lMckHwqzlE #globaledchat
Join our Global Leadership Week webinar April 24th at 12pm EST & many more amazing sessions!… https://t.co/XQKcMPJYLh
Teaching U.N. Sustainability Goals to Create Global Citizens - Global Learning - Education Week
Not just the world's largest lesson - it's most critical lesson. https://t.co/dLctDnj66I #TeachSDGs #globaledchat https://t.co/VvEtPjZvLF
We’re #hiring #globaled #job https://t.co/BvH0RcoWML - candidates with #K12 classroom and teacher… https://t.co/VLjLE1Wq5e
International and Foreign Language Education - Home Page
Want to learn more about #TitleVI programs for international & foreign language education? Visit our website at https://t.co/AHUcnXbUfe
Awesome #collaboration is possible through the Student Tech Team Hub. Join the 25 #globaled teams there!… https://t.co/19qSDixt6S
Thought provoking. If CNN dropped their Trump surrogates, and gave more time to actual reporting, would their rati… https://t.co/6qZhk3Syy1
gmt-7 - Global Leadership Week
Calif. teachers you can see the opportunities to engage in Global Leadership Week in your time zone here https://t.co/NnIfzAOq7O #GLOBALED17
A great opportunity to engage with #globaled is coming up next week! https://t.co/ogyWWECslv
Why geography matters now more than ever | worldgeochat
Why geography matters now more than ever #geographyteacher #geography #GlobalEdChat https://t.co/n4cMo1MIDw
Citizens for Ethics on Twitter: "Breaking emoluments update! https://t.co/AhBxhs5AYk"
We're amplifying our Emoluments lawsuit vs Trump in a way that will ensure Trump can't wiggle out on a technicality https://t.co/ULGfRIyvKB
Have a message for the president about the environment? Tweet to @NBCNews with #DearMrPresident this #EarthDay.… https://t.co/k4r5RP71I0
Colbert just tore into @MariaBartiromo for her sycophantic chocolate cake interview with @realDonaldTrump:… https://t.co/PufYF0UdKT
#edcamp Leadership coming June 30, 2017. #edcampldr Registration opens April 10 Find your local event… https://t.co/Jav7rD64P0
Global Leadership Week soon https://t.co/KnRdeKuF0R
Are you an education leader? Inspire global action during Global Leadership Week April 24-28.… https://t.co/jsJIIhNxYP
Global Leadership Week (April 24-28)! Many ways to participate! #globaled17 #globaled #GlobalEdChat… https://t.co/3So6zcbPzX
The Edvocate’s 2017 EdTech 20: A Ranking of 20 Global Edtech Influencers - The Edvocate
@elemenous @carolannriberio @achaks have been named to The Edvocate’s 2017 EdTech 20. https://t.co/qHchaBiqSp. #edtechchat #edtech
Join our Global Leadership Week webinar April 24th at 12pm EST and many more amazing sessions!… https://t.co/zCcRgGp2wk
Global Leadership Week Starts in One Week! - The Global Education Conference Network
RT KDSL07 "RT globaledcon: #globaled16 NEW: Global Leadership Week Starts in One Week! - Here’s an update on what’… https://t.co/6NYrbzJc3I"
Awesome #collaboration is possible through the Student Tech Team Hub. Join the 25 #globaled teams there!… https://t.co/TZeCVsEW5h
Great blog from @jdeborahklein focussing on #globaleducation & addressing how to take action & form equitable globa… https://t.co/NtzKCCGXnn
MT Join globaledcon, WorldSavvy & iEARNUSA for a global education leadership event in NYC on April 24th! … https://t.co/P04dt25jVU
What is refugee resettlement, and how does it work? Here are the facts. https://t.co/h1wEGJP5Kc #WithRefugees https://t.co/pcmCryOiDO
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