Very excited to be developing a new form of Google Summits along with Steve Hargadon and CUE! We just announced to today the CUE Learning Revolution Online Summit Featuring Google for Education. We're hoping to bring the magic of these summits to educators who are seeking more professional development around Google apps, particularly in areas of the US and beyond where access to face to face events is not necessarily practical.
This two day event will take place on September 6 and September 7 from 9 AM to 6 PM GMT-7 using Google Hangouts on Air. Steve Hargadon and I usually run our global ed conference around the clock, and eventually we want to do that with this conference. However, we're keeping things manageable for our first summit and thus limiting the hours. We do realize this is not necessarily convenient for educators around the globe, but keep in mind that all the sessions will be recorded and available indefiintely. The cost to attend and view sessions is $40 for both days and this includes a CUE membership.
Google Certified Teachers, Google Education Trainers, and Google Educators are invited to sumbit proposals for this event. Below is a digital flyer that I hope you will pass along to potentially interested colleagues!
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